The Pastor's Corner
Mark C. Minney
May, 2010

"And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42).

Jesus had entered into a certain village, and a certain woman name Martha received Him into her house. She had a sister named Mary. This is the same Martha and Mary whose brother was Lazarus, whom the Lord raised from the dead. (John 11:1-27). In our text, Martha was busy serving Christ and the others who were present. She became somewhat overwhelmed with all the work, and complained because Mary was not helping her, but rather was sitting at the feet of Jesus, and heard His word. Martha brought her complaint to Christ, and our text is the answer Jesus gave her.

I think it is needful to point out that Martha also loved Jesus and desired to hear His word, but she felt that serving Jesus and the others guests with the things needful to the body was also important. She had lost sight of something that Mary remembered, that the fellowship of the word of God is more important than the needs of the body. Nothing should come before the word of God.

I have heard firsthand on a couple of occasions the testimony of those who had rejoiced at a particular service they had been in. I will paraphrase what I heard: "We had such a great service today. Everyone was rejoicing! We sang many songs, and folks kept getting up and testifying until there was no time left for the preacher to preach." These folks got caught up like Martha. They had forgotten what was important. I have mixed feelings about testimony meetings. Too many folks testify about what they have done for Jesus, rather than what Jesus has done for them. I have also heard women get up and take a verse or passage of scripture and expound on what they think it means. They have forgotten that the Word of God admonishes the woman to be silent in church, and that she should not teach or usurp her authority over the man, but to be in silence. (I Corinthians 14:34-35; I Timothy 2:12). The woman that takes exception with the Sunday School teacher in class is doing nothing less than teaching.

Getting back to my text, even if a congregation is having what they feel is a wonderful time in the Lord with the singing and testifying, and they are so full in the Lord, then they certainly should feel a tremendous desire to hear the Word of the Lord. If they take the preacher’s time, then give the preacher all the extra time he needs to preach the precious Word of God. You cannot get full of joy in the Lord, and then shun the Word of the Lord.

Now, I would like to consider another thing that we as God’s people need to be careful about. We are in an election year, and this year may be one of the most important election years in our time. There is a move on to vote in a new congress, and certainly most of those in congress now need to be replaced. There is nothing wrong with being actively involved in this process, but emotions are running high, and if we are not careful, we will forget that which is most important and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many Americans are frustrated with the present administration and congress for different reasons. Those who want a change in congress have many things in common, but we have to be careful that we do not trade off what is most important. We might be in agreement with many folks who have the same political views as we do, but what is more important is our scriptural and religious views. I have no doubts that many of those with whom we share the same political views, would in the near future cast stones at us because of our scriptural views. We must never forget that the problem with America is not just Obama and the liberal congress. They are but symptoms of what is wrong with America. The problem with America is that they have forgotten their God. America shows more tolerance for the god of Islam, and other heathen gods than they do for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Many of those who share the same political views with us, may condemn us because we do not respect the god of Islam. I can respect their right to worship in America as they please, but I have no regard for a religion that promotes violence, or exalts their god above the God of the Bible. Also, you might keep in mind that many who share our political views have accepted sodomy as an alternate lifestyle. They would condemn us for our continued position that sodomy is an abomination before God, and should never have been accepted in America. There was a time our forefathers made such a filthy, loathsome practice against the law. We support our forefathers in their drawing up of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Why do we not think they were right in this also? How can we not continue to cry out against this abomination, when the Word of God never changes? Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35). I am not going to promote violence against these people, but I will not cease to stand against what God calls not only sin, but an abomination. The same train of thought could be used concerning abortion [murdering innocent unborn babes].

I guess I have said all the above to say this. There is nothing wrong with standing against corruption in government and seeking to replace the evil doers; if we are true patriots, we must. But let us be careful how closely allied we get with various groups, and I support the political ideals of some of these groups, but do I share the same scriptural and religious views? Let us not get so involved that we, like Martha, forget what is most important, the Word of God, that good part, which can never be taken away from us. And keep in mind that the only real hope for our beloved America is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God be pleased to bless and preserve America.

(Elder Mark C. Minney - The Pastor’s Corner - The Voice In The Wilderness - May 10, 2010)

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