The Pastor's Corner
Mark C. Minney
September, 2010
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; …" (Psalms 33:12)
"… Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord." (Psalms 144:15).

Happy and blessed is that nation, or people whose God is the Lord. We are living in a nation which was once called blessed. At that time, in general terms, it was a happy nation. When a nation, like America, treasures its heritage, then she remains blessed and happy. It is when we begin changing our history to reflect the perverted political ideals of liberals and communists that we begin on a rapid downhill slide.

What is the some of the first things the liberals have removed from our history? The part that God and the Bible played in the founding of our country. They leave out the dependence that so many of our founding fathers placed in Almighty God and His word. In doing so they have left out a great deal of history concerning some of the great men who were instrumentally used of God in the founding of our nation. They had to do this, for they could not write of these men without writing about what moved and sustained these men in the hard and difficult times when America as a nation was founded. That which moved and sustained them was God. They prayed for His divine intervention for this nation, and God heard them. They based the laws of this nation on the sacred law of God. It was their blueprint, if you would, that laid the foundation for our system of government and laws. But the lying liberals have, and are rewriting history for our schools, and leaving out the all-important role that God’s word played in the founding of America.

Where is the blessedness that this nation once had? Where is the happiness? Look at America today! There is distress, discouragement, discontent, sorrow, murder, and dread on every corner. We have lost many of our brightest minds in America to drugs, which the liberals claim cannot be stopped. There may have been many who may have been instrumentally used of God in claiming our nation back, but were murdered in the womb, because our nation has become lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Many of our political leaders cater more to a minority of Sodomites who are involved in sexual behavior that is vile, filthy, putrid, ungodly, and unnatural, while at the same time brushing off the protests of the majority of Americans. Most of the rest of these leaders tremble before this minority. Why? What are they afraid of? Loosing their seats in Congress and all the perks which they have voted in for themselves. These cowards and caterers need to hang their heads in shame at the way they have sold out our great nation for the power and praise of men. They need to resign their positions and let those who love America and the God who made America great take their places. There is fear because the vision of our founding fathers has been lost. If it is not lost, it is rapidly getting out of reach. Why is this?

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Psalms 9:17). The United States of America has forgotten God. They have too long let the lying, atheistic, communistic liberals call the shots in America. Do I hate these people? No! But I do hate what they are doing to our nation. I despise their ideology and the way they have undermined our nation. Most of all, I hate the way that we as God’s people have slept and slumbered while these wicked men have had their way. Now they have an administration and a Congress eating out of their hands. What is the answer? The answer is easy, but the way can only be accomplished by the power and grace of God. As I was coming home from my job this morning, I heard a song on a Christian radio station, which theme was, "Bring back the glory to America." That is the answer! The glory of America is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This nation must turn back to the God who made our nation great, or she will go in the way of other ungodly nations. America has done the unthinkable! She has followed in the steps of Israel of old, and the same charge against Israel could be made against America:

"Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be ye horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and have hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:11-13).

Let me say now that America was never God’s chosen nation as was Israel, but there are some comparisons can be drawn between America and Israel. America has changed her glory. She has forsaken God and turned to idols. The idols are many and varied, but in the main, America HAS FORSAKEN GOD! That is our problem in a nutshell, and the only way that this can be remedied is for America to turn back to God, for God’s people in America to humble themselves, and pray, and seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways. When that happens, the evidences of that turning will be to stop abortion and make it once again a crime against God and man. To reintroduce the laws against all kinds of lude sexual behavior and enforce them, so that those who wish to dishonour their bodies between themselves can crawl back into the dark holes of this world, instead of standing in public and flaunting their abominable ways before our children. America then would demand that their leaders pass those laws only which would be profitable to America, instead of lining their own pockets on the backs of the poor. The colleges and schools would silence those who teach the big lie about evolution, and those atheists who influence our young people against God, and tell them if they don’t love America, we will be glad to buy them a one-way ticket to any other nation that would have them. The people and the leaders would tell the liberal God hating judges to start interpreting the Constitution and quit legislating laws from the bench, or find a new occupation. These kind are only blood suckers, sucking the life out of any free people.

If that would happen, then America would once again be a blessed nation and a happy nation, for once again America’s God would be the Lord.

(Elder Mark C. Minney - The Pastor’s Corner - The Voice In The Wilderness - September, 2010)

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