The Symbols Of The Holy Spirit
Elder O. B. Mink (Now In Glory)
(Lesson 4 - May 10, 1981)
    A symbol is a material emblem portraying and unfolding a spiritual reality. The symbols of the Holy Spirit present a reality of truth about the Holy Spirit. These truths must not be underestimated because of the form in which it is presented.
        1. This can be seen in the description of the baptism of Christ (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:30-34).
    2. A trait of the dove was love (Song of Solomon 5:2). And so of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5; 15:30; Galatians 5:22).
    3. Another trait was purity (Song of Solomon 5:2; 6:9). The dove was an acceptable sacrifice (Leviticus 12:6; Luke 2:24), hence clean. This is a fit emblem of the "Holy" Spirit.
    4. Another was peace (Psalms 55:6; Song of Solomon 2:12). Peace is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
    5. Another was harmlessness and gentleness (Matthew 10:16). "The dove has no gall; the Holy Spirit can be grieved, but not angered" (Pardington).
    6. Another is beauty (Psalms 68:13; Song of Solomon 1:15; 2:14). This speaks of the beauty of the Holy Spirit.
    7. A dove is fond of home (Isaiah 60:8). The dove sent from the ark found no resting place. The Holy Spirit finds no resting place except in Christ (of which the ark was a type). Even so the Spirit enlightened believer cannot rest in anything but Christ. The carnal mind rests in everything but Christ.


    1. Three verses teach this (II Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; Ephesians 1:14).
    2. The word "earnest" (Greek ARRHABON) means "money given in pledge to guarantee the full amount will be paid later."
    3. The Holy Spirit is this earnest of all future things, not His gifts and graces.
    4. His presence in the believer guarantees his conformity to Christ, his heavenly inheritance, and eternal glory (Romans 8:15-16,23).
    5. All things are ours (I Corinthians 3:22-23). A child who is an heir to property left to him is allowed a certain part of it until be becomes of age. The property is none the less his, although he has not come into full possession of it.
    6. The fruit which the spies brought from the promised land was an earnest of all that the land held in store for the covenant people. The Jewels which Isaac's servant placed on Rebekah were an earnest of all of Isaac's wealth and honor.


    1. This symbol can be seen in Revelation 4:5.
    2. His gift at Pentecost was compared to cloven tongues like as of fire (Acts 2:3-4; Matthew 3:11). This showed the power of the Spirit.
    3. What fire is to the natural world, the Holy Spirit is to the spiritual world. Fire is an all prevailing mighty force. The same is true of the Spirit who energizes believers in working all manner of wonders.

(Lesson 5 May 17, 1981)

    1. The key to the symbolism of oil is seen in I Samuel 16:13 and Zechariah 4:1-6.
    2. Oil was used for healing of the body (Isaiah 1:6; Mark 6:13; Luke 10:34; James 5:14). The Holy Spirit heals the sin sick soul in salvation (Luke 4:18).
    3. Oil was for illumination (Exodus 27:20; Matthew 25:1-13). The Spirit illuminates our mind and reveals spiritual truth (John 16:12-15; I Corinthians 2:9-13; Ephesians 1:17-18; I John 2:20,27).
    4. The olive oil kept the lamp burning continually in the holy place so the glories of Christ could be seen and the way into the Holy of Holies (Exodus 25:6; 27:20-21).
    5. In the meal offering the fine flour was mingled with oil (Leviticus 2:4-5,7), suggesting the humanity of Christ was generated by the Holy Spirit. The oil poured over the meal foreshadowed the Spirit coming upon Christ (Leviticus 2:1,6,15).
    6. Oil was used in the cleansing of the leper (Leviticus 14:10-32). The oil was put upon the blood (Leviticus 14:17). The blood of Christ is the Divine basis of the operation of the Holy Spirit. The oil could not be put until the blood was first applied (Leviticus 14:13-17). Compare with Ephesians 1:13.
    7. Oil was used in anointing of the priest (Exodus 40:9-16; Leviticus 8), the prophet (I Kings 19:16) and the king (I Samuel 10:1; 16:13; I Kings 1:39; 23:5). The word "Christ" means "the anointed." The Holy Spirit anoints Christ as a prophet (Luke 4:18) priest (Hebrews 1:9) and king (Psalms 2:2-6; Isaiah 11:2-3).
    8. The oil of gladness (Psalms 45:7) speaks of the joy of the Spirit (Romans 14:17; 15:13).
    9. Oil makes the face to shine (Psalms 104:15), and so does the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5,15).


    1. Water refreshes and satisfies (Numbers 20:8) and so does the Holy Spirit (John 4:14; 7:37-39).
    2. Water cleanses (Ephesians 5:26), and so does the Spirit (Titus 3:5).


    1. This is hinted at in Acts 2:13 and Ephesians 5:18.
    2. Note the two sources of stimulation in Ephesians 5:18. The Holy Spirit was intended as the only original stimulus of mankind, but Satan has invented many substitutes and counterfeits.


    1. Wind as a scriptural symbol signifies life and activity. It sets forth the power, invisibility, immaterial nature, and the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.
    2. The Spirit's work in regeneration is like the wind (John 3:8).
    3. Wind is a symbol of the coming of the Spirit (Acts 2:1-4).
    4. See II Peter 1:21. The imagery is of that of a ship driven by the wind.

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